January 23, 2023
At its essence, the Ninja Planner is a tool that helps you establish and maintain the habits that lead to creating a successful real estate business.
And when it comes to habits, the modern day expert is James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits. This book has sold more than 10 million copies, and for a good reason. The book outlines exactly what the subtitle implies, An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones, and sums up the subject matter nicely.
If you haven’t read the book yet, it is well worth your time.
James has been on numerous podcasts discussing his book but a moment in a recent interview with Tim Ferris really caught my attention. James and Tim were trying to tease apart what controls the thoughts and ideas that run around in our head and control our attention. James was saying that we are not really in control of the ideas or thoughts we have but that:
This bit of information is a game changer.
Do you want to have better thoughts and ideas? Then consume better content.
What does that mean? Don’t scroll mindlessly. Don’t fall for clickbait headlines. Curate your consumption.
Consume content that uplifts you and leaves you with new knowledge and positive energy.
Listen to or read books that grow your knowledge and skills.
Use YouTube as a tool for finding engaging content instead of zoning out.
You can’t control the thoughts or ideas that arise but you can control what goes into your mind to act as the raw materials for those thoughts.
The Ninja Selling System is based on attracting people to you as opposed to pursuing people. What makes you attractive to others?
Positive Energy - Consume information that leaves you feeling positive and uplifts you. Avoid content that is negative or brings you down in mood.
Valuable Knowledge - Consume information that increases your knowledge base in areas that are relevant to you. Know statistics on your market. Understand what is happening with interest rates and how it affects buyers and sellers.
Useful Skills- Consume information that teaches you something new that you can apply in your day to day life or increases your proficiency in a skill that you already have.
Consuming the right raw materials will set you up for downstream success.
November 01, 2022
September 28, 2022
September 30, 2021
July 28, 2021
Let’s face it. Real Estate has become a very “reactive” industry.
In Ninja, we often ask the question, “are you being On Purpose or On Accident?” when it comes to how you are showing up in your real estate business. What this really means is are you being proactive or reactive in your business? And, the demands of the modern-day real estate industry have made it even harder to be proactive. There is a constant barrage of phone calls, emails, text messages and pop-up notifications all vying for your time and attention, so what is a real estate professional to do?
March 22, 2021
The Ninja Selling System provides the plan as to what you need to execute in your real estate business to achieve your desired results. The Ninja Planner provides the place for you to plan your week by scheduling tasks into specific time slots and then track your progress towards completing the tasks necessary to achieve your goals.
Learn the simple steps to effectively evaluate your past performance and identify areas of improvement as you move into the future.
October 14, 2020
September 10, 2020
As Larry Kendall points out in his book, Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results., we all have a vibe. From Ninja Selling: "As a human, I am both a sender and a receiver of energy. I broadcast my energy at a frequency based on what I am thinking and feeling. Others receive this energy and call it my vibe."
Every Ninja knows about gratitudes for creating positive frequency, but here is another tool to think about and use to create positive frequency in your life.
April 21, 2020
March 19, 2020
November 20, 2019
September 25, 2019
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