September 30, 2019
The Ninja Nine forms the core of the Ninja Program, the weekly view is the core of the Ninja Planner. The power of the weekly view comes from the ability to know, at a glance, where you stand on accomplishing your Ninja Nine for the Week. If you are familiar with the Four Disciplines of Execution¹ then you know having a Compelling Scoreboard of your leading measures is critical to reaching your goals, and the Weekly View is the scoreboard for the Ninja Nine.
If you need a refresher on the Ninja Nine, then I would encourage you to revisit pages 125-144 in the book Ninja Selling².
The Ninja Nine is composed of 5 Daily Habits and 4 weekly habits that you need to do to work the Ninja System. These habits are all represented on the weekly view.
If we start in the upper left corner of the weekly view, you see the Ninja Morning Routine. It starts with your daily gratitudes. Starting with gratitudes puts you in a positive mindset and energy space to start your day. Each day you do your gratitudes, you can check them off here. We have also included a space you can use to track some other items that can put you in a positive mindset like Positive Readings and Affirmations.
Moving down the left side, we come to the Daily Routine section. As part of the Ninja Nine you should review your hot and warm list daily. By focusing on your hot and warm list daily, you keep these people in top of mind awareness and your reticular activating system is always working to find an opportunity that can work for them. We also include some additional space for you to customize your planner by including some other items you would like to track on a daily basis. This could include drinking more water or meditation as some examples.
Next, we see the weekly routine section. This section starts with a series of 50 check boxes titled “Live Flow”. Here is your quick view tracker for your Live interviews meaning face to face or voice to voice interactions. By seeing this checkbox section fill up by the end of the week, you know you are right on target. If you do more than 50, keep adding checks and celebrate your success. This sections pairs with the Ford and Record page that immediately follows the weekly view for each week. The “Ford and Record” page is the place to record your calls and other live interactions, so you have a record of who you spoke with and can also track any follow up tasks. We recommend keeping a running list of the customer service calls you need to make, then work straight through them during the period you have time-blocked for calls.
Below you will see the additional tasks, with checkboxes for each that you need to do on a weekly basis including: Updating your database, Reviewing your Weekly Goals, Reviewing your monthly goals, Reviewing your Yearly Goals, Review your P-I-E Time and Reviewing your life list. All of this helps you keep perspective on where you are for the year and why you are working so hard to reach your goals.
Next, there is an area to track your two real estate reviews per week, including who the review was done for, and if you mailed the review or presented it in person.
At the bottom of the column, we have included a P-I-E time tracker. This allows you to track your Productive Time, Indirectly Productive Time and Everything Else time at the end of each week to see how you are spending your time. For a refresher on P-I-E Time visit pages 165-170 in the Ninja Selling book.
Now, let’s look at the center section of the weekly view highlighting the individual days. You see we start each day with a space to record your two personal notes. If you have gone through Ninja, you know the power of the personal note and that there is nothing more powerful that you can send to another human being. Sending two of these per day keeps you in flow with your customers and will make them feel great.
Next, you will see 8 lines per day for action items. We like to think of these as important tasks you need to accomplish that day or are items that come up for a particular day. Notice each line has a checkbox, so that you can know at a glance whether a task has been completed.
Below the Daily Action Items you will see a traditional 8am-5pm daily calendar view. Some people use this portion of the calendar as their only calendar while others still use an electronic calendar to keep track of appointments. As you use the Ninja Planner you will decide what combination works best for you. Keep in mind, that a big reason that we are using a paper version of this planner is so that you can see your agenda for the day without turning on your phone or computer. This allows you to focus and prioritize on the tasks you have identified as the most important for that day. Once you turn on the computer or check the phone, the whirlwind of urgent matters can kick in and take your right off task.
On the right side of the weekly view there is a column for Weekly Action Items. These action items are tasks that need to get accomplished some time during the week, but may not be pressing for a particular day.
Finally, the One Thing This Week section allows you to pick the one thing that if you can accomplish this week it could really move your business or your life forward, or it may be one thing that you have been struggling to accomplish the past few weeks. Highlight this one thing and then make it a priority for the week to get that one thing done.
We hope this overview has been helpful. We are constantly working on new content so please feel free to check back periodically or drop us an email at to let us know what other topics you would like to see covered. Thank you.
September 30, 2019
The Monthly View is designed to give you an At a Glance overview of your month.This video provides an overview for how to use each section of the Ninja Planner monthly view.
For more information, visit
September 30, 2019
Every Ninja Planner is shipped with a set of reusable tab and two adhesive pockets. This video covers how to use these to customize your planner to your own individual style.
For more information, visit
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